Friday, July 08, 2005

Arnold Schwarzenegger: It's not a time for talk. It's a time for action

I was impressed by this Arnie article within the Independent on Sunday - illustrating that the provision and use of buildings is intrinsicly liked to the global warming debate.

"In addition, with our Green Building Initiative, we have put the biggest user of electricity in California - the state government itself - on an energy diet. By requiring new state buildings to use the latest environmentally friendly and energy efficient design and construction methods, we will reduce electricity and water use by more than 20 per cent in our state-owned facilities"

"We have implemented the world's most stringent appliance and building efficiency standards. We are aggressively pursuing with the legislature my proposal to have one million solar-powered homes and buildings in California to save energy and reduce pollution."

"As John Muir, an immigrant from your islands who launched America's conservation movement here in California, once said: "When one tugs at a single thing in nature he finds it attached to the rest of the world.""

Quoting Muir is good with me - well done

Article at

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